Sunday, October 23, 2016

Famous Last Words, Week 9

This week I learned how necessary working ahead is! I was thrown into being a dresser backstage for the show I assistant directed, which has been very hectic but super rewarding. Did I mention time consuming? I missed the storybook assignment this week because I was in the theatre building costumes and whatnot until I was exhausted. Then Friday morning I got a mild concussion.... whoops?  I went back to check my grade today and I'm still making an A, which was both reliving and inspiring to keep pushing through and working harder to maintain that grade. I need to dedicate more time to my storybook this upcoming week, and I plan to push ahead on that assignment.

But for tonight I'm going to finish up a bunch of extra credit and then celebrate closing my show! 

Robin Huston as Diana Goodmen
(personal photo)
Final dress rehearsal:
Diana is singing about how her medication numbs her from life,
so she decides to dump her pills and go off the medication.
For whatever reason, Robin mistakenly pours the pills into her purse rather than the trash can.
Luckily we caught this iconic mistake on camera!


  1. I put the show in the announcements both days this weekend; congratulations on all your hard work for that!!!

  2. P.S. It looks like the post popped up before you were finished, so don't forget to come back and finish with picture, etc. before you do the Declaration. Do you have any pics from the show??? :-)
